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I am a Canadian woman living abroad in the Netherlands since 2018.  I did my undergraduate degree in psychology and anthropology at the University of British Columbia.  I have been working in the counselling field since 2015 when I started working on a crisis line and graduated with a Master's in Counselling Psychology with the intent of starting this very practice to help people who want to make change in their lives.  


Important things to know about me is that I strive to always be non-judgmental and open.  I aim to create a safe space for everyone from all backgrounds and orientations without prejudice.  I am constantly educating myself and pushing myself to learn more about people, the world and counselling styles.  I genuinely believe in two somewhat contradictory statements:  

"Understanding heals agony"


"I understand that I cannot understand"

To me, these mean that I will always strive to understand someone to better help them, but that I acknowledge I cannot actually experience the exact same things as them and that their unique experience is theirs alone to understand, I can only support them in it.  



M.A. Psychology with an Emphasis in Counselling, Webster University, The Netherlands 

B.A. Psychology and Anthropology, University of British Columbia, Canada

EMDR Certified through The EMDR Centre London

Registered with the Nederlands Instituut van Psychologen (NIP)

Registered with the Kamer van Koophandel (Dutch chamber of Commerce)

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NIP Number: 232887 

Btw-id (VAT): NL003388216B19

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